Does my Car Have Water Damage?

Major hailstorms create noticeable dimples in the metal body of your car, but if they are bad enough, they can crack and break windows too. If your car is out during heavy hail fall, especially if it is accompanied by other precipitation, you may have experienced water damage in addition to needing auto hail repair. Here are some of the ways to check for water damage on your car.

Ways to Tell If Your Car Has Water Damage

• Clearly, wet seats, carpets, and floorboard areas - anywhere with fabric or leather - can be a sign that your vehicle interior has water damage. Even if at first you don't smell a mildew or moldy smell, it is hard for cars to air out and dry when there is substantial water, meaning that the worst damage may happen after you think you are in the clear.

• Check your fluid dipsticks and your air filter for water or watery fluid; if you see a change after suspected water getting into your car, have a professional check it out.

• If your car experiences a lot of encounters with water, especially if it also contains road salt or other additional chemicals, have your car checked periodically for rust throughout the undercarriage as well as suspension joints. Rust can be very damaging to your car, and water damage can eventually lead to it.

• When you aren't sure, pay attention to the engine's sounds and to your braking systems as you use the car afterward. When in doubt, take your car in for a professional's advice early or alongside another routine maintenance item like an oil change. Better safe than sorry!

When you know that, in addition to any of your vehicle’s interior water damage, you have a compromised auto body that contains hail damage, get to us right away. American Auto Hail Repair can help you get your car back in action with our high-quality paintless dent repair.